Chat with Shivani Rajagopalan

Shivani Rajagopalan
Columbia University
Computer Science / Teaching
Robotics innovator, AI researcher, and educator.
20 hrs/wk, 40 wks/yr
Co-founder, Lead Coder, Robot Builder, Mentor, Self-directed (no coach)
VEX VRC, #15055C
Top 1% in the world; 3 members, all-girls; Integrated sensors, built omnidirectional base, coded in C++; Managed finances and tournament logistics.
30 hrs/wk, 16 wks/yr
AI for Autism Creator, Computer Vision Researcher, Self-initiated
Mentored by Stanford Ph.D. Student through Inspirit AI
Emotion detection CNN model for autism education tools; Used transfer-learning; Made 2000 image dataset; Achieved 65% improved accuracy; Paper in peer review.
5 hrs/wk, 28 wks/yr
Data Science Researcher in Quantum, Astrophysics
Aspiring Scholars Directed Research Program (ASDRP)
Group research; Tested Hartree-Fock method in Python; Analyzed NASA dataset for black holes using R; Learned scientific writing and quantum physics.
30 hrs/wk, 8 wks/yr
Summer Student
AI Programs at Brown University and Inspirit AI
Brown: Learned KNN, Regression, Perceptron, CNN algorithms using hands-on projects. Inspirit AI: Analyzed and presented BERT-model for voice recognition.
8 hrs/wk, 45 wks/yr
Assistant Manager; Math and English Teacher
Kumon North America, Inc.
500+ hours; Taught English, basic math to calculus to ages 3–15; Trained new teachers, assigned tasks; Took parent meetings; Managed emails and inventory.
4 hrs/wk, 40 wks/yr
President of Informational Awareness Committee
Basis Independent Leadership/Student Council
One of five chosen per grade; Worked with school administration; Wrote blogs; Led school-wide events for neurodiversity, mental health, feminism, Black History, etc.
2 hrs/wk, 35 wks/yr
Vice President of Youth Leadership Committee
PACE Autism Center for Education
Planned meetings for 20+ members; Organized outreach activities, school presentations, and fundraisers for PACE residential homes; Selected by application.
6 hrs/wk, 30 wks/yr
Computer Science (Java), Math, and English Tutor
EduCreate, Pacific Links Foundation
250+ hours; 1:1 classes; EduCreate: Taught math and Java for ages 6–12 during the pandemic; Pacific Links: Taught Vietnamese children to write in English.
3 hrs/wk, 40 wks/yr
Secretary (11th); Events Coordinator (12th)
Basis Independent Rotary Interact
Planned meetings for 20+ members; Led a school-supply fundraiser for low-income students; Initiated a club project for online tutoring with Pacific Links.
4 hrs/wk, 48 wks/yr
Bharatanatyam Dance Student; Volunteer Teacher
Shri Krupa Dance Company
10 years of training; Completed Arangetram (Graduation); Performed a 4-hour solo debut with 500 attendees; Volunteered to help train new and graduating students.