Chat with Ishaan Jain

Ishaan Jain
Stanford University
Biology & Economics
Innovating accessible medical devices to reduce healthcare inequity.
Research Intern
Stanford University School of Medicine, Pediatric Endocrinology Team
Investigated diabetes care program efficacy (publishing Dec.); analyzing new insulin-delivery clinical trial data.
Research Intern
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute
Researched gene expression for cancer identification; coded algorithm for gene sequencing alignment.
Quality/Regulatory Intern
Senseonics Inc, Manufacturer of Eversense Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)
Ran simulations to test compatibility of CGM medical device with mobile health app.
Co-founder and President
ThinkDelta Inc, Education Nonprofit (501(c)(3))
Taught debate & computer science to 120+ students over five 10-week sessions; 200+ hours in curricula creation, organizing, and fundraising.
Co-founder and CFO/CEO
Circles App - Social Media and Event Planning Platform
Raised $10k from investors for marketing and development; designed user interface using Figma.
RCM Mid-Atlantic
Top scorer in Music Theory, passed exams (8yrs); Piano Guild National Level (5yrs); Maryland Bronze Musician Award.
Senior Varsity Debater, Mentor
Richard Montgomery High School Competitive Debate Team
Research lead for 5+ resolutions; Top 16 in league; county playoff qualifier (4yrs).
VP of Fundraising & Treasury
Richard Montgomery DECA Club
Organized fundraisers, secured sponsorships; International Conference qualifier (2yrs).
Team Captain
Richard Montgomery Varsity Men’s Tennis Team
Led workouts; coached new players; Regional Finalist (doubles); Top-100 Mid-Atlantic ranking; USTA Level 7 1st place.
Biomedical Debate Captain
1st place state conference (2yrs); International Leadership Conference qualifier (3yrs).