Chat with Anjan Sesetty

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Could you share more about your experience founding ThinkDelta and how you managed to fundraise for education in third world countries?
As a co-creator of the 'All Over The Place Podcast', what has been the most impactful conversation you've had regarding mental health?
How did you balance your academic commitments with your role in developing the AI-based app, DeepVerifier, during your internship at the University of Maryland?
Anjan Sesetty

Anjan Sesetty

UC Berkeley

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Tech innovator, biotech enthusiast, and mental health advocate.


Community Service (Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12)
Founder and STEM tutor

Hosted free STEM classes for underprivileged communities and fundraised thousands of dollars for the betterment of education in third world countries.

Computer Science Team (Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12)
Team Member
School Computer Science Team

Competed in a variety of computer science competitions, becoming a three-time Cyberpatriot Platinum team member and five-time ACSL All-Star programmer.

Debate (Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12)
Team Leader
School Debate Team

Competed and led the school debate team, becoming a three-time county quarterfinalist debater. Helped organize meetings and mentored incoming students.

DECA (Grades: 10, 11, 12)
Member and Mentor

Placed as an international finalist and two-time state winner for divisions including marketing and hospitality, while mentoring incoming members.

Podcast (Grades: 11, 12)
All Over The Place Podcast

Explored mental health and illness from the unique lens of a second-generation Indian immigrant through a top 200 Society and Culture charted podcast.

Music (Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12)
County Orchestra

Learned and performed violin for 10+ years, placing in the top three in several competitions and played in the first violins of the county orchestra.

Internship (Grades: 11, 12)
University of Maryland

Developed DeepVerifier, an AI-based app that encodes live media to prevent deepfakes. Led the user interface team and currently publishing the work.

Work (Grades: 11, 12)
Sales Consultant
NSF-Funded Company

Set up management tools and generated hundreds of client leads for an NSF-funded company. Sold development services and gained key sales experience.

Entrepreneurship (Grades: 11, 12)

Founded and developed SHARK, an online shopping app with a unique social twist. Raised $10,000 in funding and gained over 1,000 users in beta testing.

Innovation (Grades: 10, 11, 12)

Created Skancare, a novel telehealth web application that detects skin disease through image analysis, becoming a Microsoft Imagine Cup world finalist.